Lost Property - the technical stuff
Lost property is dealt with in accordance with the Public Service Vehicles (Lost Property) Regulations 1978, as amended by the PSV (Lost Property) (Amendment) Regulations 1981 and the Public Service Vehicles (Lost Property) (Amendment) Regulations 1995 made by the Secretary of State for Transport.
Any person who finds property accidentally left in a vehicle should immediately hand it in the state in which he found it to the driver who shall deal with it in accordance with the regulations stated above. If, before such property has been handed to us or our representative, it is claimed by a person who satisfies the driver that he/she is the owner of the property, it shall be returned to that person without charge, on giving his/her name and address to the driver, who shall report the facts and give the claimant’s name and address and a description of the property to us.
Property left in buses, if found by or handed to the driver, will be taken charge of by the driver and handed to us. Application for its recovery should be made to any office or garage of the Company. Under normal circumstances you will need to collect the lost property from the Centrebus depot at which the lost property is being stored. A standard charge of £2 applies for the collection of lost property, to cover our administrative costs. Our representatives are empowered to open packages, bags or other containers to either identify the owner or ascertain the value. Perishable goods will not be kept more than 48 hours from the time when they were found. Any property which is or becomes objectionable will be destroyed or otherwise disposed of.
Any property unclaimed within one calendar month of the date found will be disposed of in accordance with the statutory regulations. Lost property is dealt with in accordance with the Public Service Vehicles (Lost Property) Regulations 1978, as amended by the PSV (Lost Property) (Amendment) Regulations 1981 and the Public Service Vehicles (Lost Property) (Amendment) Regulations 1995 made by the Secretary of State for Transport.
Any person who finds property accidentally left in a vehicle should immediately hand it in the state in which he found it to the driver who shall deal with it in accordance with the regulations stated above. If, before such property has been handed to us or our representative, it is claimed by a person who satisfies the driver that he/she is the owner of the property, it shall be returned to that person without charge, on giving his/her name and address to the driver, who shall report the facts and give the claimant’s name and address and a description of the property to us.